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Nutri-Lock Inoculant

G&J Yarham Sales is proud to be a retailer of Nutri-lock Inoculant.

As a benefit to our cattle business, we believe it will be to yours too. We have been selling Nutri-Lock Inoculant for over 34 years.

Nutri-Lock Inoculant is a product used for the preservation and increased quality of silage, haylage and high-moisture corn. It contains a specific formulation of 7 strains of bacteria. These strains result in high levels of lactic acid being produced. The high levels of lactic acid reduce the pH of the forage from 6% to 3.8%. The lowered pH results in feeds that are more palatable, and higher in moisture, protein, nutrient density, and nutrient profiles. Feed tests from 2019 and 2020 have shown that feed inoculated with Nutri-Lock has shown high soluble protein.


Nutri-Lock met stringent Canadian Registry Inoculant requirements for retention or preservation of nutrients and/or improve animal performance.



The Science

Species of Bacteria
Pediococcus acidilacti: Most dominant silage bacteria discovered. Will make more lactic acid per unit of time, with varying tempuratures and moistures and will ferment any crop in the silo. Won't quit until the job is done.

Enterococcus faecium: Very tough bacteria, not as fast as pediococcus but will survive under most any conditions. Will dominate in the fermenation under the worst of conditions.


Lactobacillus plantarum: Will ferment very rapidly under "optimum" conditions (tempurature and sugar source) to get lactic acid in the pile.


Lactobacillus brevis: Hetero-fermentive. Produces lactic acid and other end products that promote stability at feed out.


Lactobacillus acidophilus: A very good lactic acid producer under ideal conditions and will produce other substrates during fermentation to aid in aerobic stability during feed out.


Enterococcus cremoris: Tough bacteria and will produce lactic acid under very challenging conditions. Adds to the stability of the pile.


Enterococcus diacetylactis: Very hearty lactic acid producing bacteria that will survive under all practical field conditions. Add to the stability of the primary fermentation.

Wheat Silage Study Results, California, 2004

This study was conducted with wheat silage harvested in the spring of 2003 and samples collected in the late spring of 2004. Samples were collected from 8 dairies in California. The inoculants were applied "over the top". The samples were analyzed for fermentation profile and ammonia nitrogen. The results below are the mean of four silos treated with Nutri-Lock, one silo each for control and competitor (proudcts A, B, and C) products.


The conclusions of the trial are as follows:
1. Wheat silage treated with Nutri-Lock had a more efficient fermentation. Economic advantage - $0.91 per ton (1.81% DM x $50/ton).
2. Wheat silage treated with Nutri-Lock had greater protein recovery. Economic advantage - $2.18 per ton (8.75lbs CP x $0.25/lb).
3. Nutri-Lock ensiling advantange is $3.09 per ton.

Results of Corn Silage Trial, High Plains, 2004

Corn silage samples for this trial were harvested in the fall of 2003 and sampled from 14 feedlots and dairies in the High Plains in the spring and summer of 2004. Inoculants were applied "over the top". The silage samples were analyzed for fermentation profile and ammonia nitrogen. The results are the mean of 12 silos treated with Nutri-Lock, one silo control and one silo treated with a competitor (product A).


The conclusions of the trial are as follows:
1. Corn silage treated with Nutri-Lock inoculant had a more efficient fermentation. Economic advantage - $0.56 per ton (1.12% DM x %40/ton).
2. Corn silage treated with Nutri-Lock Inoculant had greater protein recovery. Economic advantage - $0.45 per ton (1.81lbs CP x $0.25/lbs).
3. Nutri-Lock ensiling advantage - $1.01 per ton.

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